Kinderfield-Highfield School Duren Sawit

Welcome to Kinderfield - Highfield School Duren Sawit!


Ms. Nur Ernawati Musi Andayani, S.Si

Principal of Kinderfield Preschool Kindergarten Duren Sawit

It has been a long time since early childhood education has become the world's attention and commitment. This is due to the fact that countries in the world are aware that early childhood education plays an important role in the continuation of human welfare in the world. Providing early childhood education to our children means that we are building a strong foundation for the history of their further development. During this period of age, the children first recognize and then strengthen several concepts.

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Ms. Amelia E. Sembiring, S.IP

Principal of Kinderfield Primary Duren Sawit

Dear families of Kinderfield Highfield School Duren Sawit, It is my pleasure to warmly welcome you to our school website. Thank you for taking the time to visit us online. We are excited to share the dynamic teaching and learning that takes place at our school and to give you an insight into the wealth of experiences we offer our students.

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Dramatic Play Area

Class Room

Multi Purpose Hall

Multi Purpose Hall


Swimming Pool


Science Laboratory


Outdoor Sport

KDF/HF Duren Sawit - Library


School Address

Kinderfield - Highfield Campus Duren Sawit
Jl. Raya Rawa Domba No. 88
Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur

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