Welcome to Kinderfield School Jambi!

Welcome to Kinderfield School Jambi!

Kinderfield Jambi is an inclusive and thriving learning community that prepares students for life by giving them the qualifications, skills and confidence that they need to be successful in the wider world.

Andriki Rizki, S.Kep

Principal of Kinderfield Jambi

Welcome to Kinderfield Jambi. I am pleased to extend my warmest greetings and sincere welcome to you. Early Childhood Education aims to form quality Indonesian children, namely children who grow and develop according to their level of development, so that they have optimal readiness to enter basic education and navigate life in adulthood. We have a curriculum to make this happen. With a method that pays attention to each stage of development and character development, it is hoped that children will be able to face life in an adaptable and responsible way for their lives.

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KDF Jambi -  School Lobby

School Lobby

KDF Jambi - Preschool Classroom

Preschool Classroom

KDF Jambi -  Kindergarten Classroom

Kindergarten Classroom

KDF Jambi - Gymnastics Room

Gymnastics Room


KDF Jambi - Computer Room

Computer Room

KDF Jambi - Discovery Area

Discovery Area

School Address

Kinderfield School Jambi
Jl. Kol. Amir Hamzah RT 24 Kel. Selamat, Kec. Danau Sipin.

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