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As teenagers grow, they will start doing new exciting things out of bounds. Teenagers begin to show their independence but also withdraw from their parents. At times like this, parents must be attentive while maintaining good relationships with their teenagers to be well-behaved. Kinderfield - Highfield has some tips on communicating well with teenagers so parents can stay close to them.
Read MoreA child with strong self-confidence can easily face any obstacle in their life. A child also needs the self-confidence to comfortably carry themselves in society and show their potential out loud. Mom and Dad, let's build your child's self-confidence from an early age. Your child can face the future easier if they are equipped with self-confidence from an early age. Kinderfield - Highfield team put together some important tips to build your child's confidence. Here are the tips!
Read MoreDear parents, having a well-behaved child may make you feel proud. A child with good character, behavior, and way of speaking will lead to a promising future. Father, Mother, a well-behaved child is not just formed without good parenting from their parents. Kinderfield - Highfield team put together some good tips to raise a well-behaved child. Here are some!
Read MoreA child's five senses play an important role in exploring and understanding the world around them from birth to the early years of childhood. It's an essential part of early childhood development, and allowing children to utilize their senses while exploring the world around them through sensory play is crucial to their brain development. Children grow and develop rapidly during their first 3 years of life. They are capable of taking in vast amounts of information as they grow from infants to toddlers to preschoolers and making it into working knowledge about the world.
Read MoreA glimpse of Highfield Secondary’s first on-site final championship after the pandemic
Read MoreGiving back is often defined as contributing to those less fortunate than yourself, without obligation or mandate, based solely on your own desire and decision. It is also important to remember that money can help many communities, but it isn't everything. Giving back goes beyond financial assistance; it involves finding different ways best to support a cause, community, or organization.
Read More“There is power in being able to speak up — even when it’s difficult.” - The Medium. The feelings of fear and anxiety over what people would think when we speak up can be overwhelming, thus making us unable to speak what is on our minds. Our voice has the power that can be both powerful and terrifying. Speak up when you feel that it is the right thing to do and will do justice for everyone, not for your own advantage.
Read MoreMaking some life changes can make you happier, but the easiest way to be content with your life is to adjust your perspective and daily actions, making you more likely to enjoy what you have.
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