Ways to Take Care of Your Well-being

Ways to Take Care of Your Well-being

Being a student is an exciting time, but it can also be stressful. So whether it's your first or your last term, here are a few tips for finding balance in your life:

Eat right and exercise

Take care of your body. Exercising for just 30 minutes a day can release endorphins, a hormone that reduces pain and makes you happy.

Get enough sleep

Sleeping seven to eight hours a night will boost your mood. Each sleep stage is important in improving your learning, memory, and emotional state.

Make time for fun

Find some "me time" to relax and do something you enjoy. It will help you feel positive and give you a much-needed break from your studies.

Go easy on yourself

Be kind to yourself and remember that you are human, imperfect, but still inherently worthy; treat yourself like you would treat those you love.

Find your support system

Surround yourself with people you can trust, such as your friends, family, or both. They can remind you to care for yourself, offer you a shoulder to cry on, or even help with your problems. 


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